In the Kootenay, residents and visitors alike share our mountain playground. Work and play is a must with our tourism providers. While out exploring – learn more why ‘everything is local’ and how we all need to protect the area for future generations to enjoy. Together, we can make the most of our shared experience.

Tip 1 – Follow the Signs
Signs help keep things simple. Signs noting up-track zones and closed areas at our ski resorts, private property and no trespass signs, non-motorized areas, avalanche control areas, and other closed areas are meant to protect a range of recreational experiences, sensitive ecosystems and wildlife, and public safety.
No parking signs help neighbours get along as visitor numbers stretch facility capacities during busy periods. Directional signs will assist you when choosing the trail you are best suited to explore. And, please ensure you keep to the designated trail, so that you don’t upset the fragile eco-systems all around you. Even where there are no signs, please use common sense.

Tip 2 – Keep to the Dedicated Trails
Keep your boots, mountain bike, dirtbike, quad, 4×4, or snowmobile on or in existing, dedicated trails, roads and zones. Mountain bikes or horses and saturated, muddy trails do not get along. While there is no such thing as exclusive business use, everyone works hard to make room for responsible, local businesses to do their thing.
TIP: Mountain bikers & motorized vehicles yield to everyone and hikers yield to horses.

Snowmobile use in a backcountry ski tenure, dirtbike use on mountain bike or horse trails, or mountain bikes on dedicated hiking trails can make things difficult or even dangerous for local small businesses and certified guides trying to support their families. Please move on quickly and quietly if you encounter moose, caribou, elk, or other wildlife, as they need peace and quiet as well, especially in the winter months.
Tip 3 – Support Local Businesses
Keeping it local means buying everything from gas, groceries, and souvenirs to new sporting equipment gear (including KORE – a Kootenay-based non-profit, grassroots organization dedicated to makers & creators in the outdoor manufacturing) here. This shows the “value” to the community that you came to visit, and helps ensure that our small businesses can continue to thrive and add to the community vibrancy that defines the Kootenays.
The trails we all enjoy do not build or maintain themselves. The vast majority of the snowmobile, bike, and Nordic ski trails are built and run by clubs and a stoked army of volunteers with support from the local club or trails society. Contacts for these organizations are listed at most trailhead kiosks, or can be found online (community trails).

All trail fees help protect what you came here to enjoy, and if you really love a particular trail network or facility, please consider a donation large or small to the local Nordic club, bike club, off-road or snowmobile club, or trails society. Better yet, join a work party if you have the time, such as Thanksgiving Back in Revelstoke. There is no better way to meet the locals and maybe earn an invite to explore the secret local stash.

Tourism is such a wonderful game of give and take, of shared experience. While everyone enjoys these tourism realities, locals do not go home at the end of the holiday. They are home, and your trail fees and donations, local shopping, and basic respect for trail and land management and responsible travel helps make sure you can return to find an even better experience next time.