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Nelson Kootenay Lake Area Trails

The Kootenay Lake east and west shore area offer excellent hiking opportunities and include communities such as Ainsworth, Balfour, Kaslo, Meadow Creek (East), Crawford Bay, Creston (West) and Salmo (South).

The city of Nelson boasts a vivid past of cultural histories. These qualities are complemented by world-class outdoor adventure. Explore Trails such as Monica Meadows near Argenta or Toad Mountain – a legendary ridge-line hike.

Kokanee Creek Provincial Park offers a lovely 2.3 km loop which is popular for birding, hiking and snowshoeing in the winter.  The boardwalk allows for watching Kokanee Salmon spawning in the fall.

Nearby Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park and the Sapphire Lakes hike (pictured above) is a moderate 4.5 km / 2.8 mi outing in a spectacular setting.  The park offers many more hiking options.

Pilot Bay Lighthouse Trail is a .6 km, out and back, that follows the stunning east shoreline with lookouts and walkways into remote beaches.

For a comprehensive list of hiking trails for this area, please link here.


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