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Nelson Kootenay Lake Bike Trails

The Kootenay Lake east and west shore area offer excellent biking opportunities and include communities such as Ainsworth, Balfour, Kaslo, Meadow Creek (East), Crawford Bay, Creston (West).

The city of Nelson boasts a vivid past of cultural histories. These qualities are complemented by world-class outdoor adventure. Nelson maintains trails in eight different areas, from Morning Mountain to Mountain Station, and over to the North Shore near Balfour.

The village of Kaslo’s trails range from extreme to gentle in another beautiful setting. The Wagon Road Trail, which travels from Kaslo to Retallack (half way to New Denver) is a great 20-km trail for beginners.

The East Shore of Kootenay Lake has a variety of trails including a portion of the Great Trail.

For a comprehensive list of hiking trails for this area, please link here.


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